What’s Included

We provide all the resources you need to put Sounds-Write into practice from day one.

Training Group

Flagship training

Practitioners’ Course: Learn how to teach the skills, concepts, and code knowledge students need to master in order to become competent readers, writers, and spellers

Check out our pricing page to discover what plans are available to you in your area.

The Sounds-Write manual

A comprehensive printed manual packed with lesson scripts, word lists and guidance  on error corrections. Discover theoretical insights that underpin the Sounds-Write approach. 

*Additional prices may apply for members

Interactive whiteboard activities generator

Build fun and engaging phonics activities that your students will love using the Sounds-Write Whiteboard Generator.  All activities match the Sounds-Write scope and sequence. 

Teaching resources and assessment tools

Access hundreds of teaching resources including lesson scripts, word lists, teaching tips, handbooks, recorded teaching videos, live webinars, activity sheets, decodable texts and more! Track students’ progress through the programme with the Sounds-Write formative assessment tools.

Ongoing professional support

We offer additional support to schools and settings new to Sounds-Write to help with implementation and planning in the first year.

Additional charges may apply. Contact us for a more information.

Access to a professional network

Join thousands of Sounds-Write practitioners in our exclusive Facebook groups.  

Browse our books and resources

Games and activites
Decodable readers
Staffroom posters

Sounds-Write has had a significant impact at Princecroft School and is transforming the life chances of our children. From very low starting points the children now make rapid progress in their phonics and by the end of Years 1 and 2 are decoding and reading at standards above their peers nationally.

Michael Park, Headteacher, Princecroft School

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