Sounds-Write Specialist Courses
We offer a range of specialist courses for those that have already trained in
Sounds-Write and want to deepen their knowledge and understanding of specific areas.

Sounds-Write Revisited
An online refresher course for practitioners who have trained in Sounds-Write and want an opportunity to review the training.

Sounds-Write in Y3-6
A specialist course on teaching vocabulary, morphology and etymology to children aged 7 to 11.

Masterclass: Leading Phonics
This course is aimed at practitioners trained in Sounds-Write who are leading phonics in their primary school.

Masterclass: Interventions
This course is for practitioners trained in Sounds-Write who are using the programme in intervention settings.
Sounds-Write Revisited
Free for all Sounds-Write practitioners
This four-week online course will enable you to review what you
covered in your initial training.
The new Sounds-Write Revisited course is an online self-paced course for practitioners who trained in
Sounds-Write at least twelve months ago, and comprises approximately seven hours of content to be
studied over a period of four weeks. The course will help you sharpen your practice whilst refreshing
and extending your knowledge of the programme and the theory behind it. There are no live
sessions, so the course can be completed at any point over the 4 weeks.
At the end of this course, you will improve your skills in:

delivering the Sounds-Write Lessons with fidelity

monitoring your own practice

developing your understanding of the theory that underpins the programme
Sounds-Write in Y3-6
£275 GBP + VAT │ $375 USD + sales tax │ $520 CAD + sales tax │ $561 AUD incl GST p.p.
This online professional development course is designed for teachers and other educational practitioners who have been teaching Sounds-Write for a minimum of 12 months and want to hone their skills and knowledge in teaching Sounds-Write in years 3 to 6.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:

understand why it is essential to teach polysyllabic words throughout years 3–6 and how this provides the key to being able to access vocabulary at all stages and in all areas of the curriculum

understand how the ‘curse of expertise’ impacts on the teaching of phonics in years 3–6 and how to minimise it

understand the basis of research evidence behind the approach

understand what a vocabulary scope and sequence that goes from simple to complex means in the context of using Sounds-Write with this age group

understand the structure of polysyllabic words

understand the importance of teaching the polysyllabic lessons with fidelity and of using precise language and approaches to error correction

understand the difference between teaching the meaning of prefixes and suffixes and effective ways of teaching students how to read and write them in polysyllabic words: morphology vs syllabification

understand how sentences are the building blocks of writing (as per The Writing Revolution) but how words are the foundation, and use word- and sentence-level activities in the Wordbook.
Masterclass: Leading phonics
$330 USD + sales tax │ $450 CAD + sales tax │ $580.80 AUD incl GST p.p.
Included in the Sounds-Write membership (UK, Europe and international schools that follow an English curriculum)
This online course is aimed at practitioners trained in Sounds-Write who are leading phonics in their primary school. You will learn how best to maximise your influence and leadership in your setting.

What is the purpose of the course?
This course will develop your ability to support practitioners in your school to deliver Sounds-Write effectively and plan its implementation across the school. It will provide you with the knowledge and tools to help you improve your chances of success using Sounds-Write.
This course will show you how best to maximise your influence and leadership in your setting, and to ensure that all children learn to read and write and, ultimately, thrive.

What will I learn in the course?
The content of the course focuses on what any literacy lead needs to understand in order to embed Sounds-Write successfully in school and ensure that all children learn to read and spell.
This course covers:
- monitoring the fidelity of Sounds-Write teaching
- using formative assessment in Sounds-Write
- using data to inform Sounds-Write provision
- adopting school systems for reading

How is the course run?
The Leading Phonics Masterclass is for trained practitioners who have responsibility for leading phonics in their schools and supporting their colleagues with the implementation of Sounds-Write.
The course a self-paced course comprising of seven hours of online learning and includes a mix of presentations and activities. It will show you how to embed Sounds-Write successfully in your school.
Masterclass: Interventions
$120 USD + sales tax │ $165 CAD + sales tax │ $211.75 AUD incl GST p.p.
Included in the membership (UK, Europe and international schools that follow an English curriculum)
This course is for teachers, teaching assistants and tutors trained in Sounds-Write, working with students who have mild difficulty with developing literacy skills at the same rate as their peers.

What is the purpose of the course?
This course is for practitioners trained in Sounds-Write who are using the programme in intervention settings, working with students who have mild difficulty with developing literacy skills at the same rate as their peers.
The course revisits important elements of the Sounds-Write training with those learners in mind, helping you to understand why some of your students struggle to learn to read and spell and enabling you to teach the Sounds-Write programme more effectively in an intervention setting.

What will I learn in the course?
The Masterclass will provide you with the knowledge and tools to help you improve your delivery of Sounds-Write as an intervention.
This course covers:
- developing practitioners’ underlying knowledge and skills relating to reading and spelling
- increasing understanding of why students might be struggling
- revisiting diagnostic assessment skills
- understanding planning principles
- planning and teaching effective small group and 1-to-1 lessons

How is the course run?
Our Sounds-Write Masterclass Interventions will take place across four afternoon sessions via Zoom.
The course will comprise a mix of presentations, activities and discussions to make sure you get the most out of the sessions and get any questions answered, and explore specific areas you want advice with. In addition, you will have access to the course resources through a dedicated website.